
最終的に、待っていることのヒース時間そして数か月後に、ここにそれは、新しいの、及びユーザーフレンドリー改良されて、JRBnet のチャットルームある! 今世界中でポケモン についての桟橋によって雑談することは容易である!

Have Fun Chatting!


I have made an important decision. For the next sixty-three (63) days, JRBnet will be, I guess you could call it, on pause. After the sixty-three days, JRBnet will most likely be back online with a new website. Thankyou for understanding. This site that you are reading this post on now is also considered closed and will never be updated again as of October 24, 2007. For the mail new site and that JRBnet copyright information go to the main news site here: This Link!

Have Fun Chatting!


ATTENTION! Jirachi!+Rob.bLOG (Free) (jirachirob.net), JRBnET's paid blog has moved to here, http://jirachirobfree.blogspot.com, due to issues with our host. Our host Elixant is closing, Sunday (way to procrastinate Rob!) after many years of serving people. Please update your bookmarks by, of preferably before Sunday, March 11, 2007.

Have Fun Chatting!


ここにそれは、新しいJRBnet のチャットルーム! ある
Here it is, the NEW JRBnet Chat Room!

最終的に、待っていることの長時間そして数か月後に、ここにそれは、新しいの、及びユーザーフレンドリー改良されて、JRBnet のチャットルームある! 今ポケモンについての桟橋によってove すべてを雑談することは容易世界である!
  • それをPG-13 保ちなさい
  • ポケモンについての唯一の話
  • 恐れていてはいけない、過す楽しい時をあってはいけない!
ここにリンクはそれにある: JRBnetの雑談
Finally, after long hours and even months of waiting, here it is, the new, improved, and user-friendly, JRBnet chat room! Now it's easier than ever to chat with piers about Pokémon
all over the world!
The only rules are as follows:
  • Keep it PG-13
  • Only talk about Pokémon
  • Don't Be Afraid, have fun!

Here is the link to it: JRBnetの雑談

Have Fun Chatting!

In the News Today:

We can't update this everyday, but here is something to work on:

Save the dub. Campaign

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